Sunday, April 28, 2013

Biscuits Ball

We haven't had great luck with watching the Montgomery Biscuits.  One night when we were a family of 3 we went and Walter got sick so we had to leave early... very early.  Another time Walter took David and the game was rained out. 

Last Friday, David was supposed to have a baseball game of his own.  The rain earlier in the day rained the game out.  David saw a Biscuits commercial earlier in the week and stated he wanted to go to the game.  They were doing free food for kids and fireworks. I came home from work and we decided we would go to the Biscuits game.  Carrie, who keeps the babies, was working as a Biscuits Bunch that night too.  We wanted to go see her in action too.  Our tickets were awesome.  We were on the second row right behind home plate.  We could see everything. 

David enjoyed his food.  He always does.  He had a hot dog, Sprite, and an ice cream sandwich.  As the night went on it got colder so we had to have us some hot chocolate too.  The team played great and was up 17 to something.  We saw some homeruns hit and a foul ball that went into one of the suites.  David was bundled up in a jacket, two hats, gloves, and a blanket.  He was still freezing.  We kept asking him did he want to go home but he wanted to stay for the fireworks and to do a game or something with Carrie.  She got him up with a bunch of kids to dance and he was on the jumbotron.  He said he was embarrased to dance at first but then he wasn't.  It was almost 10 when the game was over but we made it.  The fireworks were great and David made sound effect the whole time.  The boy can't be quiet.  He says he is like his Pawpaw.  His words, not mine. 

Anyway, we had a great time making memories.  We are thankful my Mom stayed up late to keep the babies too.  We are blessed to have so many people who are happy to help us with our team... kids.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Here Batter Batter

Baseball season is here!  Usually it's Walter and I playing ball.  This year we are sitting out and David is playing.  This is his first time.  We never signed him up before because we didn't want to start him too early.  He has many years to play!

He had his first game about a week ago.  His first.time at bat, hittin off a machine throwing 39 mph, he got a hit!  He was smiling ear to ear and so were we!  He played left field and didnt have any action.  No need to worry.  He has some mad dance moves in the field.  His team won the game.

His second game, he moved to lead off batter.  He didn't have as much luck.  No hits.  The third game he was 2 for 2!  We are so proud of him and he is having a good time.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring is Here

I love Sring time.  It is such a beautiful sight in Alabama.  Kids can go out in the yard and no one gets too hot.  This year we had Spring Break the last week of March.  E first several days it felt like January.  It was cold and the wind could blow you away.

We planned on going to Gulf Shores the first weekend for David's birthday.  We were going to go to Mobile and take the kids to the Explorium.  Well, baseball and two of his friends' birthday party got in the way.  David decided to stay here and do those things and go to the beach another time.  This decision took a lot of processing for him.  First, he had to make sure he would eventually do all activities.

Saturday he had birthday pancakes, went birthday shopping, and to baseball practice.  That afternoon we all went to the mall and played in the arcade.  David loves playing games.  We ate in the Food Court.  Then it got too dark to stay at the mall.

Sunday, after church, we went to the party at Wonder World.  The kids had a great time playing laser tag, skating, and jumping in the inflatable.

We hung out at the house the next few days.  Thursday I took a road trip with my friend Amber down to Orange Beach.  We met Marcy, Amy, and Jenny there.  It was some much needed relaxation, eating, and shopping time.  We all fell asleep on the beach.  That's a first!

Saturday the Easter activities began.  David and I died eggs.  The babies' cold turned into a low fever.  Walter ended up staying home with them while David and I went to Pine Level to Easter with some of the family.  We had an egg hunt, fished, ate, and rode around on 4 wheelers, golf carts, and mules. I love spending time with family.

Sunday was a day to celebrate the Ressurection.   The music at church was awesome!  We went to Aunt ReRe's for Easter lunch.  I met Calloway people I had never met before!  Again, we ate and fished, and had an egg hunt.

I love my family, friends, and the fun times we have together.  God has blessed us, and blessed us, and blessed us some more.