I woke up extra early on V Day to make pancakes for the family. I realized I had no eggs to make the pancakes with so I tried oil instead. Bad idea. All that work, and they could have ben used as a bouncy ball! Bahahaha! I even made them pink with sprinkles. In the trash they went. Luckily David ate some of his candy first and thought that tasted ruined the taste of his pancakes. I wouldn't want to tell him he's wrong, so I let him believe it.
Valentine's Day is always a fun day when you are in elementary school! David's class wore these cool hats with their name written in the hearts and had a party at the end of the day. We made snack mix for the party. Valentine's Cards aren't the same as they were when I was a kid. To get excited now, the card has to come with a piece of candy. Back in the day, the card itself was exciting!
We had a candlelit steak dinner at home with the whole family that night.
David had a doctor's appointment in Montgomery one day. We thought we would make it back to Eclectic by 11:30, but that's when we left the office. So instead we enjoyed the beautiful day together. I love days like this! We had breakfast at Krispy Kreme (his teacher is probably happy we didn't make it to school) and lunch with his Daddy at Arby's. We had never tried the famous cupcakes at GiGi's, so we shared a chocolate chip cookie dough one. Yummy! Then we headed to downtown Montgomery to go explore the Archives building. We heard they renovated the kid's room and added some other rooms too. It was very interesting. We surprisingly found that the First White House of the Confederacy was next door, so we went inside. This was David's favorite. We also had to make a stop at the Adullam House thrift store before going home.
My Dad's last day of the work life was this month too! He invited us down to the fire station to watch the F-16s fly at night. I had never been there at night to see them and neither had the boys. We loaded up and got there just in time. We missed two of them, but were able to see the other four. The boys explored the fire trucks of course and then we had cake. You never know what Dad will won't so we didn't want to go too far out with surprises. It was a good night and the fire shooting out of the back o the planes was cool to see. Proud of my Dad for this milestone. David said he can spend even more time with us now.

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