First Gulf Shores Trip in 2013

I love going to the beach. I like playing in the ocean, finding shells, people watching, swimming in the pool, walking around, eating seafood, and shopping. The beach seems to make me feel free. We are fortunate to be able to take several trips down to Karla and Jim's condo several times a year. All five of us left Friday around Daniel and Dillan's nap time. The idea was for them to sleep during most of the ride. Daniel doesn't like riding. The plan seemed to be working at first. They both went to sleep. We made it to Greenville and had to get gas. Before we got back on the interstate, Daniel woke up... then Dillan too. Dillan was happy and content. Daniel was for a little while. Then he got fussy. We went into ignore mode.
We made it to the condo and found out my best friend Natasha was staying at one of the houses behind the condos. David was happy because Camden was with them. Saturday morning we woke up at 6 as usual. Daniel is an early bird. We ate and got ready for the beach. On the way over we ran into Natasha running. She's dedicated. We walked across the road and set up camp on the beach. I was surprised the babies seemed to like the sand. They played in the sand and David looked for shells. After a while, Natasha and her family joined us. We lasted about 3 hours at the beach. The water was rough so we couldn't go out far. We only had one incident where Daniel went head first into the edge of the water. Chris rescued him. :)
We left the beach and had a quick lunch upstairs and went on to the pool. It was getting close to nap time. Later that afternoon we went to the new Tacky Jack's and ate, bought scratch tickets in Florida, ate Dippin Dots, and went to the state pier. We like to go there and see what everyone is catching. The first catch was a stingray. We watched the man cut the barb off. David was intrigued and so was I. As we walked further, we heard someone say that's the 4th or 5th shark hooked in the last hour. We had to see what the fuss was about. A man had a 5 foot bull shark on the line! We watched him reel it in. the stroller was up against the edge. Dillan decided the shark was hungry and threw his nice leather sandal right over the edge! He had to go barefooted the rest of the time because I didn't pack any other shoes. Typical!
Sunday we ate at The Oyster House on the way out and then stopped at the Tanger outlets. I got a little bit of shopping in before heading home. We had a good trip! I can't wait for the next one.
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