Things change so quickly. It's amazing how fast children learn. We went fir Dillan and Daniel's 18 month check- up a couple weeks ago. dillan is 28 pounds and Daniel is 26. They look like there is more than 2.5 pounds in between them. I guess because Daniel is shorter too. His head is larger. It's a different shape. We went out to eat Friday night and a lady asked me what is their age difference. I didn't think fast enough and I said none...they are twins! Like I've said, they are so different
They are saying so many new words! Her are a few:

- Mama
- bubba
- pow
- paw (for pawpaw)
- sponge bob
- hot (in a Granny voice)
- sponge bob
- granny
- no
- Snack
- More
- Boat
- Pop
David James is turning 7 this month on the 23rd. We are planning a nature hunt here at the house for his party. David is excited and so am I. He is such a special kid. God has blessed us with him for 7 years!
We have another celebration this month. Walter and I celebrated 9 years of marriage on the 6th. 9 years! Time sure does fly. I'm not sure he would say the same. Haha!
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