Friday, March 22, 2013

Our 1st Baby is 7

Our first miracle baby will turn the big number 7 Saturday, March 23.  Seven years ago our 7 lb 15 oz baby entered this world at 3:14.  Walter and I had prayed and prayed for a healthy baby.  After 2 miscarriages ( at the time) healthy was all we asked for.  God gave us that and more.  

This  seven year old has amazed us.  His intelligence is amazing.  He is great at math, reading, and science.  He reads on a third grade reading level in the first grade.  He probably knows more about the Bible than me.  He cares about others.  He uses manners... Most of the time.  He loves and plays with his brothers.  Talking is something he really seems to enjoy.  He can come up with an excuse like no ones business!  This boy is way more than I could have ever imagined.

After saying all the above, yes, birthdays are a celebration around here.  A celebration of life and love.  Since David is a "Spring Break" baby we decided to have his party a week early.  We had it last weekend.  He invited friends and family over and had a nature hunt outside.  The kids ran around and played.  They hunted items in the woods on the trail and followed clues.  David also got a cool rocket they played with after opening presents.  Everyone had ice cream cake from Venice Gelato, dirt pudding, Goldfish, and s'mores snack mix.  

Walter and I had planned a trip to the beach to surprise David.  We were all going to go to the museum in Mobile since he loves science museums.  Those plans have changed due to ball practices and another birthday party.  David decided we would go a different weekend.  We will stay home and enjoy each other for now.  

Happy Birthday to my biggest baby...other than Walter!  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Things

Things change so quickly.  It's amazing how fast children learn.  We went fir Dillan and Daniel's 18 month check- up a couple weeks ago.  dillan is 28 pounds and Daniel is 26.  They look like there is more than 2.5 pounds in between them.  I guess because Daniel is shorter too.  His head is larger.  It's a different shape.  We went out to eat Friday night and a lady asked me what is their age difference.  I didn't think fast enough and I said none...they are twins!  Like I've said, they are so different

They are saying so many new words!  Her are a few:

  •  Mama
  • bubba
  • pow
  • paw (for pawpaw)
  • sponge bob
  • hot (in a Granny voice)

  • Mama
  • sponge bob
  • granny
  • no
  • Snack
  • More
  • Boat
  • Pop
David James is turning 7 this month on the 23rd.  We are planning a nature hunt here at the house for his party.  David is excited and so am I.  He is such a special kid.  God has blessed us with him for 7 years!

We have another celebration this month.  Walter and I celebrated 9 years of marriage on the 6th.  9 years!  Time sure does fly.  I'm not sure he would say the same.  Haha!