We had to have one last trip to the beach before school starts... or should I say David and I had to have one last trip. Walter wasn't too excited about the beach. David left Wednesday with his Papa J and Grandma for the beach condo. They wanted to visit the Pensacola Aviation Museum before the beasts (Daniel and Dillan) arrived. :) While in Pensacola, they decided to go ahead and wonder to the Lighthouse also. David was pretty excited because he said he walked up 177 steps to get to the top. Of course he didn't get tired, but he had to stop because Grandma and Papa J needed to rest. I'm sure he didn't need to catch his breath too. Walter, Dillan, Daniel, and I left Friday after work. Let me just say, I have rode to the beach 2 other times this summer ALONE WITH THE TWINS and those trips were much easier. Daniel decided he wanted to whine, cry, and make loud noises the whole entire ride! Dillan couldn't help but join in. Finally, I made Walter pull over for a sanity break and to get them out for a minute. Anyway, we survived the ride and pulled in at the condo around 8:30 that night.

Saturday was a busy day. We were awoken by two hungry midgets at 6:15. These 1 year olds are some hungry 1 year olds. They can't go five minutes after waking up without having milk. We fed them and had our Vi Shakes and out the door we went. The beach was much cleaner than the last visit. I took a blow up pool... waste of time! Neither one of them stayed in it longer than 5 minutes. Karla and I held them and sat at the edge of the waves. Then we handed them over to Walter and Jim while we dumped the 10 pounds of sand out of our suits. We pretended we forgot about them and played in the ocean with David.
After the beach, we went to the pool. Much easier. The babies chilled in their floats and we played volleyball (David was the ball), Olympics, and had other competitions. The babies went up for a nap, Walter and David went fishing, AND I GOT TO LAY OUT BY MYSELF! How great that was! Walter and David ended up catching pin fish, croakier, and crabs. I caught sunburn.
Saturday evening we ate at the Original Oyster House, had Dippin Dots, and bought lotto tickets. The babies went home and we took David to the track. This was a surprise for him and he was so excited. He chose to ride with me on the Go Carts. Not sure if that's because I treat my personal car as a race car or what, but we came in 1st place! We smoked Daddy and everybody else. Walter even wrecked a little boy trying to catch up with us. Walter beat us a t Putt Putt. Then David rode the Bumper Boats and soaked a woman with a white shirt on. Good thing he's too young to notice! Hahaha!
Here it is Sunday, and we are on the ride home. We have been up since 5:30 whis morning. Can you guess hwy? We have been to the pool and out to eat for lunch. The drive is going a lot better than the ride to Gulf Shores. Daniel is asleep and Dillan is attempting to do the same. David, well he has his game.
Once again, an eventful weekend.

On August 4, 2012, Dillan and Daniel turned one! One year prior, I was in the hospital prepping to birth them. Walter and I were both nervous about how healthy they would be since they were arriving 5 weeks early. Dillan came faster than we (Dr. Martin included) expected and at 8:18 he entered the world. Daniel was more stubborn and didn't want to turn head down. After his heart rate dropped, a C-section began. He blessed us 12 minutes later at 8:30. One baby stayed to learn how to breathe better and the other came home with us. The journey began.
Here we are, a year later! Their birthday happened to fall on a Saturday, so we were able to celebrate and have their party on THE BIRTH DAY!

The book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle was the party theme. My BFF, Natasha, made the cake. She is so talented and always does a great job on everything she makes. She even made fruit and caterpillars out of fondant for the 2 tiered cake. The smash cakes were jut as cute with their names and a caterpillar on them. Both Dillan and Daniel loved them! We sang "Happy Birthday" twice, once for each of them. They dug in and took their time enjoying all the icing. While they ate, we caught David licking the icing off the candles and fondant pieces. BUSTED!!!
Neither one of them were too happy when I took the cake away. That put me in the "bad mommy" category.

Other than cake, the party guests also enjoyed ice cream, watermelon, grapes, oranges, and strawberries just like the very hungry caterpillar. A slide show was also played full of pictures from their first year.
At the end, Walter and I helped Daniel and Dillan open presents. A few of the things they got were cute watermelon outfits, new swimming trunks, Mega Blocks firemen, tub books, and money. We are thankful for all the friends and family who were able to come and celebrate with us.