There is another trait Daniel has: he is MISCHIEVOUS! He is definitely the ringleader of getting into things. We have a playpen in the living room. First, he figured out how to move the side far enough for him to crawl out. We moved an activity center in front of it so he couldn't move it. Welllllll, he is strong enough to move both now. The couch is away from the wall so the recliners can let out. Daniel crawls behind it and pulls the phone receiver off the end table. Dillan follows and they both get wrapped up in cord. When they are in the kitchen, Daniel pulls open every cabinet and drawer he can open. Does he pull out the things he is allowed to play with? NO! He gets the glass pans, ceramic pots, and the blender. That's not all. The list goes on. If the refrigerator or pantry door opens, he makes a B line for them. David tried to be a big boy and make his own pb & j sandwich. While he was getting the jelly, both Daniel and Dillan got in the way. He sat the jelly jar down to move them and guess what. Daniel grabbed the jar and with one BANG, the jar busted to pieces! I could continue the list, but I will save the other stories for another day.
Needless to say, there is NEVER a dull moment in the Quinn household and I wouldn't change it for the world. Thank you God for all our chaos.