Monday, May 28, 2012

Get Ready Gulf Shores, Here We Come!

I finally convinced Walter to take a beach trip! We planned to go Memorial Day weekend. He didn't realize it was a holiday weekend and I wasn't about to tell him! :) Some things are better left unknown.

It didn't take long to figure out we have to pack the whole house to go on a trip! I spent all of Thursday night packing after I got home from gymnastics. I packed, packed, and packed some more.

We loaded everything in the car that could stand the heat for a day. Friday, we went to school as normal. Around 12:00, day care called and GUESS WHAT?1?1 Daniel was throwing up! Give me a break, I thought. I took half the day off of work and went home with all the kids trying to decide if Daniel had a virus or just had something that didn't agree with his little tummy. The options were to not go to the beach, take Daniel and hope he got better, or leave him with old faithful (my Mom) and take the rest of the crew. It was a hard decision because David was very excited AND we had already packed!

When we got home, I gave Daniel some sweet potatoes. Half way through, they came back up. ALL OF THEM! Gross! I got him cleaned up and decided he was sick! Walter and I dixcussed it and decided to let him be pampered by Granny while we headed off to the beach. So we did.

Other than missing the WILD ONE, the trip was good. We went to the beach Saturday morning. David boogy boarded and Dillan ate sand and shells. We put him in the edge of the ocean and he liked it.  Didn't even phase him.

Next was the pool. David played and Dillan chilled in his float. He was so calm and layed back in the pool. He even dozed off a couple of times while David played volleyball.

Sunday, we went to the pool again.  David found some friends to play with.  Dillan ate his float and got sleepy again. 

Mom and Dad were happy because we got to eat seafood at a new place called Shaggy's at Zeke's Landing and my favorite, The Shrimp Basket.  YUMMMM!

Beach trip= SUCCESS. Now to convince Walter we need to go back for Daniel to have his 1st beach trip. :)~

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Six Year and 9 Month Check-Up

Last week my Dad and I took the kids to Dr. Carlile for all of their check-ups.  David wanted to know if he was going to get a shot and I told him I didn't know.  He is used to seeing his brothers get shots now.  We got there and they weighed and measured them beginning with David.  He weighed 51 pounds and was 48 inches tall.  This put him in the 75th percentile for boys his age.  His eyesight was 20/20 and his hearing was good. 

Dillan was next.  He weighed in at 21 pounds even.  I can't remember his length.  Sorry, Mommy brain.  I do remmeber he was about 1/2 inch longer than Daniel. 

Daniel came last.  We thought he would weigh much less than Dillan.  He feels and looks as if that would be the case.  We were all wrong.  He weighed 20 pounds 3.5 ounces.  Not much less than Dillan.  The doctor said they all looked great.  No one would need a shot today. They were all up to date!  Shewwww!!!  Thank goodness because I didn't bring the Tylenol. 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Cowboy Up! David's 6!

David James Quinn turned 6 years old on Friday, March 23.  What an exciting day for him!  I woke up early to cook him pancakes, which is his favorite.  Walter rolled his new bike in and he sat on it for a while.  It was the last day before Spring Break.  His class had fun activities planned.  They watched movies and had a special snack for him with cupcakes.  He also got birthday spankings.  He was really nervous abot that part.  He thought his class would want them to be hard!  I even got a picture of it.  His face was SO red.  A little girl in his class, Hanna, even asked him why his face was red! 

Mrs. Kelley brought eggs to class and they began hatching on David's bday.  She let him hold one of them and pet it.

After school, we went home and cooked homemade pizza together.  David likes to cook and is good at it.  My mom and Walter's parents ended up coming over, so they ate with us.  After supper was cake time.  David blew out his candle and made a wish.  David opened their presents and got a fishing pole and some fishing things to use in the pond.  Since then he has caught some crappie and bream with the pole.  He and Walter like going outside and fishing. 

The next day was his party at The Iron Horse Ranch.  What a cool place to have a party.  Anita did a great job.  David and his friends rode horses, had a marshmallow fight, roped a fake cow, and petted the donkey.  The kids could run around and be kids. 

David is 6 and a HUGE blessing to Walter and I.  He is amazing to us.  He reads like a third grader, barely skipping a beat when he comes to big words.  He is drawn to anything science.  His math skills are great.  Out of everything, the love he shows to people around him is the greatest.  He has concern for others and he shows that in the way he acts and the prayers he prays.  I pray that we will be good examples to him and encourage him in all that he does, jsut like we promised God we would do when we dedicated him to the Lord.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Oh Toothless One

Dillan and Daniel will be 9 months old Friday, May 4th! It is hard to believe how far God has brought our family. Daniel is the proud owner of 7 pearly white teeth. However, Dillan must be broke cause he is a toothless one- 0 teeth for him so far! I think he may be finally getting one because he has been extremely fussy this weekend. We shall see. Watching two babies grow up at the same time is interesting. If I didn't birth them myself, I would swear they are not twins! Atleast they will always be individuals to me and everyone else. There timing in learning and growing is totally different as you can see below.


  • crawls
  • pulls up on everything
  •  puts everything in his mouth
  • crawls on top of Dillan and other babies at day care
  • says "dada" and "mama"
  • is nicknamed "the wild one"

Dillan can:

  • crawl
  • hold his bottle
  • put food in his mouth
  • says "bubba" "dada" "ta" and babbles
  • cool and calm (most of the time)

Things are always wild around here.  One of the kids always needs us.  Luckily, most of the time it is not simultanious.  Good thing God gave us a good sense of humor because "normal" is not in our vocabulary.  Daniel at a yellow jacket somehow at day care and no one knew until he threw it up in his sleep.  Luckily, the yellow jacket was the only one harmed.  The beast got a hold of him!  :)
Daniel also ate half of my magazine cover the same day as the yellow jacket incident.  Luckily, I scraped that out of his mouth.  David fell out of the trampoline WITH A NET ON IT.  Only he could do that.  He got a nice mouth full of dirt and a hurt ego.  Nothing a lil loving and a water hose couldn't fix. 

Well, until the next big adventure...