I can not express enough how proud I am to be David's mama. He brings so much joy and laughter to our family. Today, we were riding in the car and I said "I love you David James" and he said "Did you just bust out with that?" We both started laughing. It is times like that I love the most.
He turned 6 on March 23 and we celebrated by having pancakes for breakfast (that was an early morning) and we made homemade pizza together for supper. He had cupcakes at school with his friends. His teacher, Mrs. Kelley, had chicken eggs in the classrooma nd they hatched on his day. He got to hold one of them. My mom and Karla and Jim came over and spent time with him. His Grandma and Papa J gave him a fishing pole and he caught his first crappie out of the pond with it.
His party was at Iron Horse Ranch. Perfect day to be outside. He and his friends rode horses, had a marshmallow and balloon fight, and a horse race. I enjoyed watching all of them play together.
Dillan and Daniel are almost 8 months! Oh my goodness! My babies can do so much more now. They are such good babies. They are happy (unless hungry or sleepy) and smile a lot.
Dillan says bubba, dada, and ta. Daniel says dada. Dillan is toothless and Daniel has 5 teeth. Dillan gets up on his knees and Daniel pretty much crawls. He always goes straight for the floor plug! He is the mischievious one who is into EVERYTHING. Dillan is content just laying or sitting and playing.
They love their bubba. Dillan's favorite thing to do is kiss all over him and leave slobber on his cheek. You would think David would find that nasty, but he loves it! In fact, he asks him to do it! Daniel likes to follow David everywhere and play peek-a-boo with David. They play copycat too. I hope this continues for a long time.
Again, God has blessed us beyond measure. Thank you for all the prayers sent up while we were expecting them.