Dillan and Daniel are 3 1/2 months old now! It is hard to believe. It doesn't seem like too long ago I was on bed rest, praying my babies would grow enough to be healthy. Whoa, are they healthy! They are my little chunky monkeys. I think Dillan is about 14 pounds and Daniel about 13. They both have the sweetest smiles and are cooing quiet a bit now. They are so different in their looks and personalities. Dillan has the white boy syndrome like me and Daniel has darker skin. Dillan has bright blue eyes like David and Daniel's are brownish green. Daniel's hair is black and Dillan's is very light. Daniel can roll from belly to back and has for a while. Dillan hasn't conquered that task... probably due to the extra weight he has!
They both spit up sonstantly, so they will have an upper GI done Monday. Maybe we can find some relief. I know it doesn't feel good and it is so aggravating to have to keep wiping it off.
David is doing great in kindergarten. He can read entire books and his teacher let him start taking AR quizzes early! He gets excited about the tests! He made a 100 on a first grade book today.
He takes care of his little brothers. His patience and love for them is greater than I ever expected. I figured he may want to send them back, but that's not the case.
David's personality is still so funny! He cracks us all up. He averages about 4 smiley faces out of 5 at school. For some reason he can't keep it together for all 5 days! Maybe it is because I give him a dollar if he has 4 good days. We are about to have to up that.