Saturday, September 10, 2011

Roll Tide Peeps!

The tradition continued regardless of the addition on 4 babies. The Quinn's, Hall's, and Segers' watched the first Alabama game together. Roll Tide! Anyway, we took some time to take pictures of the cousins. Matt Hall is my first cousin (my mom and his mom are sisters). He is his wife, Leslie, had twin girls (Hallie and Callie) on June 22 and we had the boys on August 4. They are 6 weeks apart.
I hope they will grow up as close as Matt and I were. Maybe they won't be bad influences on each other! :)

Dillan and Daniel Going Home

Dillan was able to come home right away on August 8, 2011

Daniel stayed 13 days in the hospital due to breathing issues. We were so happy when he joined us.