This was our 10th Christmas together! Does that mean we are getting old or we were young when we met? Take your pick. It started as just the two of us, then three, now five! Our Christmases keep getting bigger... and better!
In the past, we have gon to my in-laws church on Christmas Eve and then go to their house for supper and presents. That changed this year because, well, it is just too hard to move all our kids around that much, that late. Sooooo, this year we went over to their house for lunch. Of course we weren't on time because Walter killed a nice buck that morning. None the less, we made it. Lunch was good and the company was great! We ate, had dessert, and opened presents. David was into the gift opening this year and he could read who they were to and from. Dillan and Daniel layed around with bows on their heads. We went home that afternoon to get ready for Santa and put away stuff.
That night, my dad came and we did gifts with him. Then cleaned again.
The next morning, David came into our room to wake us up. We got up and came into the living room to find that Santa had visited our house. He even left David a note telling how good of a cook he is. There were the gifts, trampoline, Hot Wheels Wall Track, Wii things, Cars 2 Monopoly, and more. We opened presents together, then Dillan woke up and looked at his toys. Last was Daniel.
Round 4 was at my mom's house. Everyone was there including my granparents, in-laws, and parents. We had breakfast for lunch. A new tradition started a few years back. We sing "Happy Birthday" to Jesus before we eat and David blows out the candle. I guess two more kiddos will join him next year. The babies went to sleep and slept through everything almost. Dillan even had a bad diaper, so no one could sit beside him, but he didn't care. He just slept right through it. He's the one that matters anyway, right??? David was super excited about his microscope from Mawmaw and Pop. Yeah, the excitement were you kiss all over the box and carry it around everywhere saying I am going to be a scientist when I grow up.
At about 7:30 Christmas night, I noticed some gigts were missing. I go to the computer room where all our packed boxes are and there sat a box labeled PRESENTS! Yep, a whole box full. Most of them were ever wrapped. So, we had Christmas again!
Christmas was a good one. We have been blessed with a great family. Our boys have a lot of people who love them. And for that, I am grateful.